RCPRO Club Wingman Racing - Objectives
The goal of Club Wingman is to emulate the success of Club 40 using electric
powered planes. Pilots who prefer electrics and clubs that may have noise
restrictions or are electric only can enjoy the same fun as those racing Club
40. Club 40 is the fastest growing form of pylon racing in the country because
almost anyone who is reasonably proficient at flying and assembling R/C aircraft
can participate and have a lot of fun.
The Wingman II is a slightly smaller and lighter version of the Sky Raider
Mach II. It is purpose built for electric power. While it has a glow option, it
clearly is intended for electric power and is highly optimized for lowest weight
possible with plenty of strength.
The motors, electronic speed controls, and batteries used will be the same as
those used by the NMPRA EF1 racing class so that they can be used when the pilot
wants a faster plane and for economy purposes. Since batteries for a full race
are fairly expensive, this allows the cost of participation to be lowered.
Racing will be done on the AMA 540-B
course sanctioned as Club 40. Race organizers may opt to shorten the course to quicken the pace of the
racing. This should only be done for advanced pilots.
This is any entry level pylon racing class intended for fun and camaraderie.